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TOURNA-CAMP! GRAWE CUP OPEN TE14/16 May 8-16, 2025 and/or BERGANTOV MEMORIAL TE 14/16s May 16-22/23, 2025 in Maribor, SLOVENIA! TOURING DATE OPTIONS: May 2/3-12, 2024, May 10-18,2024 or May 3-18,2024 with Changeable Tickets home!

THE DATES for 2025 in Maribor are: *Tour #1 May 08/9-16 - Grawe Open *Most popular Tour #2 May 15/16-22/23 - Bergantov Memorial Do 1 or BOTH TE events then have changeable tickets to go home.  EE Coaches are: Dave + Adrian Luddeckens + Linus Eriksson (our girls coach)     OPTIONS:  OBS!!!: ALL FLIGHT TICKETS WILL BE…

RIGA, Latvia TE 12/14/16s Tour TBA for 2025 THIS IS A NEW EE TOUR!

THIS IS A NEW EuroElite Tour! We must have 6 players minimum to do this tour TOUR FEE (what coaches make) = 2800:sek per player + all divide flight and hotel. Flight from CPH ca 3400:sek Hotel ca 45euros per night Entry fee: 55euros MORE INFO COMING SOON!

Germany – Peter Hagedorn International in WAIBLINGEN TE 16! Guaranteed Entry! July 11-18, 2025 YERKO MULLER will be our EuroElite Head Coach for this tour!! ONLY 4 PLACES LEFT!

Coaching Tour Fee = 2800:sek + All divide 2 Coaches Hotel, Transport and food ca 140-190 euros per player depending on how many players participate as all divide these costs. Flights ca: 3100:SEK from CPH AND ARL via EuroWings and SAS Youth flights. Flights will leave 12 July and return 19 July. The tickets are changeable…

REGENSBURG, GERMANY TENNIS EUROPE 12S + 16s August 08-15, 2025 with Yerko & Dave **U16s Players may leave early if eliminated. EE Coaches Dave + Yerko Muller

THIS Tennis Europe 12s + 16s is where SO MANY EE PLAYERS STARTED THEIR TENNIS EUROPE CAREERS! Wonderful Regensburg, Germany is a BEAUTIFUL place for the players to play, train and have a great time at the TIVOLI which is there this time of year. TOUR FEE(Coaches Salary) = 2900:SEK (EE Member... Non-member ADD 1000sek)  for 1…
