USA College Search + Showcase Tours
EuroElite Project Members come FIRST with help in finding the right USA College for your needs! JOIN OUR SUMMER COLLEGE SHOWCASE at PENN and PRINCETON!
College Search Partner
Click here for our Official EuroElite College Search Partner
International Tours
EuroElite International: Where most of the TOP SCANDINAVIAN PLAYERS today got their start. BEGIN TOURING EARLY to feel the excitement, fun and experience how other players you age are competing!
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Our staff
Andre Anderson
Partner EuroElite Norway
Michael Andreasson
EuroElite Germany
EuroElite Germany
Linus Eriksson
TTS Touring Coach + EE Camps Coach
Yerko Müller
TTS Touring Coach / Head Coach Södertälje Tk
Soma Kesthely
EE Camps Coach + TTS Touring Coach
Kalle Averfalk
EE Camps & Tours Sport Chief Höllvikens Tk
Anders Månsson
EE Camps Coach
Lars Granath
TTS Touring Coach / Fd RIG Lidköping
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