MHPC #1, January 17-19, 2025 in Höllviken at Trelleborg Tennis Club BOYS ONLY…. Sorry Full Booked!
HöllvikenPLAYERS ARRIVE: 17:25 to Hyllie Station for pick up OR 17:45 to Trelleborgs Tennisklubb for training starting Friday nights at 18:00 CAMP STARTS : FRIDAYS 17:45 CAMP ENDS SUNDAY KL 15:00 at Trelleborg…
MHPC #4 Sandefjord, Norway February 28-March 02, 2025 BOYS ONLY ROOM FOR 2 MORE!
PLAYERS ARRIVE: FRIDAY 17:40 to Sandefjords Tk Pick ups 17:20 at Sandefjords Train Station. PICK UP’S FROM THE FERRY FROM SWEDEN: More info coming soon but contact Andre Andersson for…
MHPC #6 @ Sandefjords Tk, Norway MARCH 21-23, 2025 GIRLS ONLY! Sorry… Full-Booked!
PLAYERS ARRIVE: FRIDAY 17:40 to Sandefjords Tk Pick ups 17:20 at Sandefjords Train Station. PICK UP’S FROM THE FERRY FROM SWEDEN: More info coming soon but contact Andre Andersson for…
MHPC #7 March 28-30, 2025 @ Höllviken BOYS ONLY… Room for 2 more players!
HöllvikenCAMP STARTS: FRIDAYS KL 17:45 at TRELLEBORGS Tk... on court kl 18:00 CAMP ENDS SUNDAYS KL 15:00 at Trelleborg TK. BOOK TRAINS TO LEAVE NO EARLIER THAN KL 16:15 from…
FULL BOOKED!!! New Sandefjord Tk PRIME+ CAMP U12/U14 APRIL 4-6, 2025 (Slovenia 2025 TE 14/16s players have FIRST PRIORITY)
PRIME CAMP for boys @ EuroElite Base Camp Sandefjords Tk Run by Dave Bandelin + Andre Andersson(Head coach STK) COST for this camp is 2450:sek for members and 2950:sek for non-members…